Product Details:
Publisher: Workman Pub Co; Cards edition (October 1992)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1563052636
ISBN-13: 978-1563052637
Product Dimensions:
7.5 x 2.7 x 2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds
Editorial Reviews Product Description all over America, kids play with "Brain Quest", the national bestseller with more than 12 million copies printed ib textbooks torrent. Curriculum-based, with questions and answers used material in schools throughout the country, "Brain Quest" tests kids on the stuff that they need to know, know when they need - while recording the excitement of a down-to-wire Quiz games have game ib textbooks torrent.All two decks of cards (except my first one to three), with each deck are hinged together by a plastic screw. Early games have color illustrations and are designed for playing and learning moments, said the development, not to test. Sets for older children categories of questions by the symbol coordinates. Reply Cards immediately follow question cards. Printed on durable, each set in an unbreakable clear box wrapped with a matching lid.Selection the Book-of-Month Club, Scholastic Book Club, and Newbridge Book Club. "Brain Quest" goes beyond the simple storage and encouraging children to use reasoning, hearing, vision and skills to increase the educational value and entertainment - MC "illustrations by" Sesame Street Parents. "; Question and answer cards hinged together by a plastic screw, 2 decks in a plastic container with 75 cards per deck come; Package: 2 6.1" x 2 11/16 "x 7 7 / 16"
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